We want to make this helpful booklet, which includes the new Inner-Ease™ technique, available to as many people as possible, so we are asking you to please help distribute The State of Ease to others at this time of change.
The researchers found when testing participants that their responses to questions were both slower and less accurate when they walked through a doorway into a new room than when they had walked the same distance within the same room.
By raising the bar of your every day activities and goals, you can expand your standard routine to reach for exalted success in almost everything you do!
This exercise is also very refreshing and by practicing it I have notice that I also think more clearly, have lots more energy, sleep better, feel more youthful, flexible and vibrant!
When a solution for unmet needs and desires is your outcome, you have then created value. Those who seek solutions that you have are your Target-Market.
Women are like that. They take a lot of pain, lies and evil deeds. Yet still they are optimistic. Hoping, praying and working towards a solution. Believing with all their hearts that maybe, just maybe they will be able to make a change by being change.
Because we cast spells when we do spell out the words that write the stories of our lives. So should we play with crayons or knives? Shall we solve equations with pencils or razors? Are we signing agreements of Peace with Pens; or signing declarations of war with Swords?
Let the Sun Rise. Throw off the cloak to be no more in the dark and instead be enlightened. Why seek the shade? Though the light radiates brightly, was not the darkness the blinding? Allow illumination to show the way. Let it be the path.
Being illumined by the light is the way to be guided out of the disguise of smoke and mirrors. Mere tricks that are not the true magick of mindful awareness and conscious power.
Whatever is left over from your lowest times is all right. It is all you need. Once you expose the conditioned personality that may have been keeping you where you do not want to be, you can go from lying dead to soaring through the sky.