World Reading Club by UniquilibriuM Institutes the Edgar Allan Poe Literary Expert Certificate
Contact Managing Director | UniquilbriuM, LLC | Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander
(Higher Living | Lower Profile) | +1 (757)763.9621
Joy in Plain Sight
World Reading Club (WRC)”Celebrates the JOY of Learning by Promoting the LOVE of Literacy”. WRC officially launched our 1st reading project on August 23rd 2022 with the purchase and reading of “Joy in Plain Sight” by Katya Davydova.
You can still join the conversation that will be happening on October 24th 2022. On that day, readers of Joy in Plain Sight will gather on Callin and listen to excerpts read from the book, as well as have the opportunity to participate in a discussion about “…how joy shows up for you in the every day!“ amongst other great experiences you’ve realized since reading the book.
Edgar Allan Poe | Literary Expert Certificate (EAP-LEC)
WRC-EAP-LEC – Are you an avid reader of, die-hard fan, or collector of the works of Edgar Allan Poe? If so, then you may be in the right place to create positive change in your life as well as the lives of others by earning the inaugural World Reading Club – Edgar Allan Poe – Literary Expert Certificate sponsored by UniquilbriuM, LLC through Managing Director of Operations Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander.
As a Literary Expert through World Reading Club, certificate recipients may present this qualification as a professional credential to help obtain and secure various contracts or gigs as an Expert Presenter, KeyNote Speaker, Book Club Leader, WorkShop Facilitator, and many other written and / or spoken word based endeavors.
Keeping in mind that World Reading Club Celebrates the JOY of Learning by Promoting the LOVE of Literacy, Honorees (those who are honored with certs) are encouraged to use their newly minted authority to inspire a new generation of learners – at any age – to renew or begin a new life adventure through the LOVE of Literacy.
Literary Expert Certification Requirements
The requirements for earning the introductory, Level One, Literary Expert Certification is to select and read 3 works from Edgar Allen Poe in front of an audience, live; with a Social Audio Warrior (SAW), or as a video, or audio recording available to the public. This introductory certification may also be obtained by reading 3 works of Maya Angelou or 3 works of Langston Hughes.
There are a few levels, the Literary Expert and the Master Literary Expert Certificates.
LEVEL ONE LEC – [3X1] If you read 3 works of Maya Angelou on record, you are eligible, but not guaranteed to be rewarded with the Level One Maya Angelou Literary Expert Certificate MA-LEC. Same goes for 3 works of Hughes or Poe, i.e. LH-LEC; EAP-LEC.
LEVEL TWO LEC – [3X2] Simply read a second set of literary works from the same author, and you are eligible to earn LEVEL TWO; i.e. Maya Angelou Literary Expert Certificate 2 (MA-LEC-2). If you read 3 works from a different author, you may earn a more general credential labeled “Literary Expert Certification Level One” (LEC-L-1).
* This works the same for all levels whereas you read 3 works from different authors, i.e. 2 from Angelou + 1 from Hughes (or any 2+1 mix), or 1 work from the 3 different authors (1 Hughes + 1 Poe + 1 Angelou).
LEVEL THREE LEC – [3X3 Matrix] Earn this credential by completing 3 sets of 3 works by each author on record to be eligible. This equals 3 works by Poe, Angelou, and Hughes for a total of 9 readings on record.
Master LEC – Requirements for this credential are all that is required for the Level 3 Certificate, with the addition of writing, and presenting on record; simple lists of difficult, challenging, or interesting vocabulary encountered in the works, or short essays explaining your personal interpretations of the works. These can be published on free bog sites, made as unlisted or public videos on YouTube; and / or recorded as a podcast or social audio space available to be reviewed by WRC | UniquilbriuM.
Rational for Recording CourseWork in Public,
Digital / OnLine Spaces
(Haiku Science Academy – HK SAR PRC) “Someone cannot reasonably doubt that you are a great teacher of some thing, when you can provide them with evidence that shows you in action, successfully doing the thing that they are considering to hire you to do.” (Full Article Here).
Certification Candidate Case Study In Progress
SpotLight On Sarah Del Valle
Click on the images below to listen to Literary Expert Reading of ” A Dream Within a Dream” and / or “Alone” by Edgar Allan Poe by Sarah Del Valle. Also visit Sarah on WISDOM!

Listen to the ongoing discussions from World Reading Club – click the links or image below to hear us.
Sarah Del Valle, Certified Literary Expert – World Reading Club 2022 September 4.