What Does It Take To Effectively Teach English As A Second Language?
(Exercising Your Mind) To effectively teach English as a second language the teacher must possess many qualities, skills and a certain attitude.
One of the most important things that are required is a sincere desire to effectively teach English as a second language. This is a certain attitude.
One must really want to do a great job of teaching English as a second language.
From there, all of the other specific skills and qualities will naturally be tools for achieving the desired result of effectively teaching English as a second language.
Possessing a desire such as this, from personal experience, naturally expresses itself as a passionate enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is contagious.
I really want to succeed. I really want to make a difference in the lives of my students, and I will do everything good that is allowed within the guidelines I am required to work under to accomplish this aim.
This is the root of what it takes to effectively teach English as a second language. I know this because this powerful desire keeps the goal of successfully transmitting the ability to communicate fluently in English firmly established in the presence of my thoughts.
I am thoroughly convinced that nothing is accomplished by focusing on it’s opposite. Therefore, effectively teaching English as a second language is more readily accomplished by optimistically contemplating a successful outcome and acting accordingly.
The specific techniques, that carry out a method, which is consistent with an approach are merely tools that are made more valuable while holding the belief that their application will be successful.
There are many ways to achieve the goal of effectively teaching English as a second language, but these will all fail if you do not expect this successful outcome.
One specific tool that I have been using throughout this presentation is repetition. I have stated and re-stated that expectant desire is fundamental to the success of effectively teaching English as a second language.
The 7 areas of English teaching – pronunciation, linguistics, reading, writing, communication, spelling, and grammar; may be most assuredly transmitted to students when applied with a consistent spirit of optimistic expectation.
Hailiang Cambridge International School
To me it has been self-evident. However, I am now certain that I have demonstrated my conviction in the belief of what it takes to effectively teach English as a second language.
This belief is my founding philosophy. And much like an approach, it cannot be argued except in terms of whether or not it is effective.
And through consistent application with many other teaching endeavors I have found it to be most effective. And until it is proven otherwise in some situation or another, I stand by this knowledge of what it takes to effectively teach English as a second language.
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