Education, HA, Special Populations, TESOL

A Plan Worth Following

(Exercising Your Mind)


* * * work in progress * * * Definitions

advice – noun

1. an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.

2. a communication, especially from a distance, containing information: Advice from abroad informs us that the government has fallen. Recent diplomatic advices have been ominous.

3. an official notification, especially one pertaining to a business agreement: an overdue advice.

Origin of advice

1250-1300; late Middle English advise; replacing Middle English avis (with ad- ad- for a- a-5) < Old French a vis (taken from the phrase ce m’est a vis that is my impression, it seems to me) < Latin ad (see ad-) + vīsus (see visage)

advise – verb (used with object), advised, advising.

1. to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following: I advise you to be cautious.

2. to recommend as desirable, wise, prudent, etc.: He advised secrecy for the sake of national security.

3. to give (a person, group, etc.) information or notice (often followed by of): The investors were advised of the risk. They advised him that this was their final notice.

verb (used without object), advised, advising.

4. to take counsel; consult (usually followed by with): I shall advise with my friends.

5. to offer counsel; give advice or recommend particular actions, conduct, etc.: I shall act as you advise.

origin of advise

1275-1325; late Middle English; replacing Middle English avisen < Anglo-French, Old French aviser, verbal derivative of avis opinion (< a vis; see advice)

device – noun

1. a thing made for a particular purpose; an invention or contrivance, especially a mechanical or electrical one.

2. a plan or scheme for effecting a purpose.

3. a crafty scheme; trick.

4. a particular word pattern, figure of speech, combination of word sounds, etc., used in a literary work to evoke a desired effect or arouse a desired reaction in the reader: rhetorical devices.

5.a mobile device: Students may not bring devices into the secure testing center. Don’t leave your devices in a hot car.

6.something elaborately or fancifully designed.

7. a representation or design used as a heraldic charge or as an emblem, badge, trademark, or the like.

8. a motto.

9.Archaic. devising; invention

origin of device

1375-1425; blend of late Middle English devis division, discourse and devise heraldic device, will; both < Anglo-French, Old French < Latin dīvīsa, feminine of dīvīsus; see division

devise – verb (used with object), devised, devising.

1. to contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas: to devise a method.
2. Law. to assign or transmit (property) by will.
3. Archaic. to imagine; suppose.
verb (used without object), devised, devising.
4. to form a plan; contrive.


5. Law.

  1. the act of disposing of property, especially real property, by will.
  2. a will or clause in a will disposing of property, especially real property.
  3. the property so disposed of.

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