Contact Managing Director | UniquilbriuM, LLC | Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander (Higher Living | Lower Profile) | +1 (757)763.9621 Joy in Plain Sight World Reading
(Haiku Science Academy) In any field of endeavor, there is always room for improvement no matter how deep the history or how well established an
(Exercising Your Mind) 3 Stages x 3 Levels = 9 Step Frame. Haiku Science Academy 9-Stage Frame (HSA 9-SF) for Developing English as an Additional Language
(Haiku Science Academy) This compilation of research will be used as the guide for descriptors in the final 9-Stage Frame (9-Step Frame) for Developing English
Also published on EYM-HypnoAthletics (Haiku Science Academy) Updating guidelines continues for the Development of English as an Additional Language (DEAL) for Students of English as
DEAL – Developing English as an Additional Language. SEAL – Speakers / Students of English as an Additional Language. Also published on HypnoAthletics EYM (Haiku
Originally published on as “Obtaining Teaching Credentials Through Documentaries“. (Haiku Science Academy) Someone cannot reasonably doubt that you are a great teacher of some thing,
Originally published on HypnoAthletics as “The Tower of Babbling Accents“. (Exercising Your Mind) I was born in New York City, and then moved to Fort Lauderdale,
(Exercising Your Mind) This is an exercise for helping to develop and strengthen the speaking ability of clearly making different sounds of the letters “R”
(Exercising Your Mind) This recording was made for a specific person who speaks Chinese as their 1st language. However, it will be useful for anyone